المصمم القرآني - آية في صورة icon

المصمم القرآني - آية في صورة

hamid al bshry
1,000+ downloads

About المصمم القرآني - آية في صورة

“Quran Designer” application is a wonderful and advanced application that allows users to design the Qur’anic verses in an image and share them with others, while providing multiple options to customize the design of the verse and make the necessary adjustments.

Thanks to this application, you can move flexibly from reciting the Holy Quran to a creative and artistic experience of designing verses. The application gives you the ability to choose the verse you want to design and select its specific parts to focus on. You can also change the colors of the text and image backgrounds to match your personal taste and the theme you wish to enhance from the verse.

What makes this application special is the ability to modify the design of the verse at any time. You can change colors, backgrounds, move texts and make them bigger or smaller depending on your artistic needs and choices. You can also add text to the verse to clarify its meaning or to express your personal vision. This provides you with complete flexibility in expressing your desired idea through design.

After you finish designing the verse, you can save the image to your own device, share it via social media, or share it with friends and family. You will be able to highlight the aesthetics and values ​​of the Holy Quran through a creative and customized image that reflects your unique artistic vision.

Using the "Quranic Designer" application

You will find yourself enjoying a fun and inspiring Quranic verses design experience. You will be able to express your deep attachment to the Qur'an and your connection with it in a creative and joyful way. Make every verse you design carry a unique message and beauty that reflects the greatness of divine words.

The application contains a complete and detailed version of the Holy Quran, where users can access the pages of the Holy Quran easily and browse the verses and chapters accurately and smoothly. The Quranic text is presented in a beautiful way using comfortable fonts for reading, and various options for colors and backgrounds are provided for customization according to the user’s choice.

Besides the Quranic text, the application also provides an easy interpretation of the Holy Quran. Easy Interpretation allows you to understand the deep meanings and important messages of the Qur'an, by explaining and clarifying the Qur'anic vocabulary, meanings, and context. Thanks to this feature, users can benefit from a better understanding of the Quranic text and its application in their daily lives.

Regarding the search feature, the application provides the ability to search for any word or phrase in the Holy Quran. Simply enter a word or phrase into the search box and the app will display relevant results quickly and efficiently. This provides users with quick access to the verses that contain the concept or idea they wish to study or reflect upon.

المصمم القرآني - آية في صورة Screenshots