If you remember foot among us, now we have a hand among us. What is different from hand among us is that all players use the form of hand and this makes the game fresher. In Hands among us there will still be people who become imposter. If you become an imposter, you can use some power. You can become invisible and kill crewmates by means of hang-nail, thumb-war and rock paper stone. Special rock paper stone and thumb-war if the crewmates win, they won't die so they still have 50:50 to survive.
Suggestion for those of you who become crewmates, when competing rock paper stone imposter can see we choose paper, stone or scissors. So we can see which of our friends is suspicious. So you can win the game hand among us - imposter hands new mod role. Hands among us mod will be a fun mod and no less exciting with foot among us mod.
Suggestion for those of you who become crewmates, when competing rock paper stone imposter can see we choose paper, stone or scissors. So we can see which of our friends is suspicious. So you can win the game hand among us - imposter hands new mod role. Hands among us mod will be a fun mod and no less exciting with foot among us mod.
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