Kirtan Sohila Path App lets you read and listen to sohila sahib in Hindi, Punjabi or English and can read meaning of paath while listening to Kirtan Sohila Path Audio. We hope that you will find app useful and will use it daily nitnem the path in punjabi (nitnem audio). Kirtan Sohila Path in Punjabi app provides you read with listen to Kirtan Sohila Paath with Audio on your mobile.
This best Kirtan Sohilaa app includes:
► Kirtan Sohila path in Hindi with audio.
► Kirtan Sohilaa path in Punjabi with audio.
► Paath: Kirtan Sohilaa in English Translation.
Also here simple design application provides you features like Kirtan Sohila Path Hindi and Sohila Sahib Path with audio as well as multi languages supported lyrics.
Paath: Kirtan Sohila is a night prayer of Sikhism. Its name means 'Song of Praise'. This hymn is usually recited at conclusion evening ceremonies at the Gurdwara & also recited as part of Sikh funeral services. This hymn is also recited before sleeping during bed time. It is composed of five hymns or shabad - the first three by Guru Nanak Dev, the fourth by Guru Ram Das & the fifth by Guru Arjan Dev.
* Please note that this app is ad supported. We show ads according to that manner so as not to disturb user during paath.
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This best Kirtan Sohilaa app includes:
► Kirtan Sohila path in Hindi with audio.
► Kirtan Sohilaa path in Punjabi with audio.
► Paath: Kirtan Sohilaa in English Translation.
Also here simple design application provides you features like Kirtan Sohila Path Hindi and Sohila Sahib Path with audio as well as multi languages supported lyrics.
Paath: Kirtan Sohila is a night prayer of Sikhism. Its name means 'Song of Praise'. This hymn is usually recited at conclusion evening ceremonies at the Gurdwara & also recited as part of Sikh funeral services. This hymn is also recited before sleeping during bed time. It is composed of five hymns or shabad - the first three by Guru Nanak Dev, the fourth by Guru Ram Das & the fifth by Guru Arjan Dev.
* Please note that this app is ad supported. We show ads according to that manner so as not to disturb user during paath.
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