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Arcam Control

Harman International Industries Ltd.
1.6 out of 5
10,000+ downloads

About Arcam Control

Remotely control your Arcam device using your Android device. Connect using your home network, providing feedback from your device and eliminating any line-of-sight issues present with infrared remote control.

Compatible with the following Arcam devices supporting advanced network control.

- SA10
- SA20
- SA30

- AV10
- AVR20
- AVR30
- AV40

- AV860
- AVR850
- AVR550
- AVR390
- SR250

- AVR950
- AVR750
- AVR450
- AVR380

- Solo Movie
- Solo Music

Disc Players:
- CDS50
- UDP411
- CDS27

Arcam Control Screenshots