The Holy Bible, New Living Translation (NLT), is a new translation that has been in the works for about ten years. It is the product of the work of more than fifty scholars in the areas of theology, translation, linguistic studies, proofreading, grammar proofreading, typography, editing and others. It also represents a partnership between various ministries and publishers such as Editorial Tyndale, Editorial Unilit and the Luis Palau Association.
The goal of any type of Bible translation is to share with contemporary readers, as accurately as possible, the meaning and content of the ancient Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek texts. The challenge for our translators, linguists, and theologians was to create a contemporary text that would communicate the message to today's readers with the same clarity and impact that the original texts communicated and had on readers and listeners in biblical times. All in all, this translation is easy to read and understand, while at the same time accurately communicating the meaning and content of the original biblical texts. The NTV is an ideal translation for study, devotional reading, and praise.
We believe that the New Living Translation—using the most up-to-date scholarship in a clear and dynamic style—will powerfully communicate God's Word to all who read it. We publish the NTV praying that God would use it to powerfully convey His eternal truth to the church and the world.
Application features
The application is easy to use and allows you to read the scriptures quickly and conveniently, select a verse and save them as favorites.
Access to the options menu quickly and easily.
Option to change the text size.
Book reading background change.
Access to favorite chapters and verses.
Search for words in the books, chapters and verses.
Night mode to make reading easier and dim the screen light.
Daily will notify you a verse.
You can click on the screen and the name of the book and the chapter will appear at the bottom, when pressing it the list of books will appear and in the other the chapters that the selected book has.
You can select one or more verses from a chapter and mark as a favorite you can also share the verses with your friends on different social networks.
Clipping favorites shows the verses you marked for quick access.
The goal of any type of Bible translation is to share with contemporary readers, as accurately as possible, the meaning and content of the ancient Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek texts. The challenge for our translators, linguists, and theologians was to create a contemporary text that would communicate the message to today's readers with the same clarity and impact that the original texts communicated and had on readers and listeners in biblical times. All in all, this translation is easy to read and understand, while at the same time accurately communicating the meaning and content of the original biblical texts. The NTV is an ideal translation for study, devotional reading, and praise.
We believe that the New Living Translation—using the most up-to-date scholarship in a clear and dynamic style—will powerfully communicate God's Word to all who read it. We publish the NTV praying that God would use it to powerfully convey His eternal truth to the church and the world.
Application features
The application is easy to use and allows you to read the scriptures quickly and conveniently, select a verse and save them as favorites.
Access to the options menu quickly and easily.
Option to change the text size.
Book reading background change.
Access to favorite chapters and verses.
Search for words in the books, chapters and verses.
Night mode to make reading easier and dim the screen light.
Daily will notify you a verse.
You can click on the screen and the name of the book and the chapter will appear at the bottom, when pressing it the list of books will appear and in the other the chapters that the selected book has.
You can select one or more verses from a chapter and mark as a favorite you can also share the verses with your friends on different social networks.
Clipping favorites shows the verses you marked for quick access.
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