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Carolan's Last Tune

Haunted Planet Studios
100+ downloads

About Carolan's Last Tune

Hear ye, hear ye! The ghost of Carolan, a famous Irish harper, needs your help. His most haunting tune has been stolen by four ancient and malevolent ghosts. Do you dare hunt them down and find the missing melody? Play in Galway City or anywhere in the world (using "Random" mode).

Carolan's Last Tune is an outdoors game that turns your smartphone into a spooky paranormal detection device. First use the Radar to scan for mysterious phenomena and get close to one, then scan for it using the Viewer and take its photo. Find all the paranormal activity to complete the game. Be prepared for surprises! The audio is great and works best with headphones, but you can play without headphones too. Works best in an open area, like a forest or a park - or in Galway, Ireland!

Carolan's Last Tune Screenshots