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*** Not all features are active ***
Soccer Stats suitable for Coaches and Parents.
This soccer stats application will track the following stats on up to 25 players per team:
Goals, Assists, Shots on Goal (SOG), Shots, Fouls, Cards, Corner Kicks (CK) and Saves. 6 customizable buttons for defining your own stats.
Long Click on Player ICONs to sub IN/OUT quickly. See all 11 players on the screen for quick/easy awarding of stats.
To correct mistakes, change the + button to - and decrement the stat entered in error.
*** Unlock full version by purchasing the paid version ***
- Display Player names under Player Icons.
- Ability to import/export Team Roster files.
**Set Portrait or Landscape display mode in the Preferences
- Ability to rename buttons CKs, Saves, Steals, C2 C3, C4, C5 and C6
It will also track the amount of time a player plays in the game.
All player's stats can be viewed by clicking the menu button and selecting VIEW STATS.
You can save the Game Results locally for loading / viewing / emailing at a later time.
Stats are auto-saved if you leave the game accidentally by hitting the return key and they are reloaded when you re-enter the App.
*** Not all features are active ***
Soccer Stats suitable for Coaches and Parents.
This soccer stats application will track the following stats on up to 25 players per team:
Goals, Assists, Shots on Goal (SOG), Shots, Fouls, Cards, Corner Kicks (CK) and Saves. 6 customizable buttons for defining your own stats.
Long Click on Player ICONs to sub IN/OUT quickly. See all 11 players on the screen for quick/easy awarding of stats.
To correct mistakes, change the + button to - and decrement the stat entered in error.
*** Unlock full version by purchasing the paid version ***
- Display Player names under Player Icons.
- Ability to import/export Team Roster files.
**Set Portrait or Landscape display mode in the Preferences
- Ability to rename buttons CKs, Saves, Steals, C2 C3, C4, C5 and C6
It will also track the amount of time a player plays in the game.
All player's stats can be viewed by clicking the menu button and selecting VIEW STATS.
You can save the Game Results locally for loading / viewing / emailing at a later time.
Stats are auto-saved if you leave the game accidentally by hitting the return key and they are reloaded when you re-enter the App.
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