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المطرب حسين العلي

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About المطرب حسين العلي

The application contains the songs of the Saudi artist, singer Hussein Al-Ali
He was born in Najran in 1387. His father worked in the military. He learned the ABCs of singing. In the intermediate stage, he started with - Muhammad Al-Shadi - and Abu Mamdouh - and some beginners to record singing sessions in which they sang for Talal Maddah, Muhammad Abdo and Saad Juma. The recordings were put on the market and Hussein was presenting them under the name (Hussein). Abdullah Al-Qahtani) before he later chose his stage name (Hussein Al-Ali), which appeared with his first song in 1988.
One of his songs with the public, which was loved by Hussein Al-Ali Oud

Hussein Al-Ali, you are my master
Hussein Al-Ali, where am I, where are you?
Hussein Al-Ali, where is the covenant?
Hussein Al-Ali, where are you?
Hussein Al-Ali, where are you?
The artist Hussein Al-Ali, the people of the West
Hussein Al-Ali Gharib Al-Dar
Hussein Al-Ali latest news - teams
The song of the artist, Hussein Al-Ali, sari the night, and also I am a Bedouin
Hussein Al-Ali traveled my love and the song of your eyes are witnesses
He produced his first album on his personal account, and in cooperation with the (Najran) record company, he presented his album for free. The songs were recorded in Riyadh at Salama Al-Abdullah’s Hataf Studio. He recorded six songs with lute and rhythm, which cost him 5000 riyals. A monthly amount of 15,000 riyals.
His songs used to appear only with lute and rhythm. Long after his appearance, he headed to the Golden Strings Company, which produced his first music tape

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