The Valley Planner will help keep track of everything you have to do along with a lot of important informations that you'll need on your daily farming, including:
- To-do List for each day of every Season
- Ability to add your own custom notes
- Calendar for an overall view of all seasons
- Checklist to keep track of your Bundles in the Community Center
- Keep track of all the available fish along with some important informations
- List of Villagers, including a detailed list of all the gifts they like or hate
- Support for multiple farms
- More features coming soon
All of this with an simple and easy to use design
- To-do List for each day of every Season
- Ability to add your own custom notes
- Calendar for an overall view of all seasons
- Checklist to keep track of your Bundles in the Community Center
- Keep track of all the available fish along with some important informations
- List of Villagers, including a detailed list of all the gifts they like or hate
- Support for multiple farms
- More features coming soon
All of this with an simple and easy to use design
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