"Always Something New."
The Largest Online Shopping Mall in Hong Kong
Shop for 600k products from 100+ world-renowned brands and 4,000+ merchants, covering Supermarket, Skincare & Makeup, Electrical Appliances, Housewares, Mother & Baby, Pets etc.
“Save Money, Save Efforts, and Save Time.”
Enjoy our user-centred features at your fingertips! Transparent price trend, free delivery on orders over $500, and 200+ pick-up points!
New function to offer 1-hour delivery for groceries and food restaurants!
Enrich your shopping experience by watching our engaging live shows with the hottest items and exclusive deals.
Marketplace for pre-owned items to exchange, trade and give out for free.
Seamless payment in HKTVmall O2O shops and selected retailers by scanning the QR code at the merchant cashier.
The Largest Online Shopping Mall in Hong Kong
Shop for 600k products from 100+ world-renowned brands and 4,000+ merchants, covering Supermarket, Skincare & Makeup, Electrical Appliances, Housewares, Mother & Baby, Pets etc.
“Save Money, Save Efforts, and Save Time.”
Enjoy our user-centred features at your fingertips! Transparent price trend, free delivery on orders over $500, and 200+ pick-up points!
New function to offer 1-hour delivery for groceries and food restaurants!
Enrich your shopping experience by watching our engaging live shows with the hottest items and exclusive deals.
Marketplace for pre-owned items to exchange, trade and give out for free.
Seamless payment in HKTVmall O2O shops and selected retailers by scanning the QR code at the merchant cashier.
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