The lunar calendar is a type of calendar based on the period and position of the Moon relative to the Earth. It is used to identify holidays and other important days of the year. The contents of the lunar calendar usually include information about holidays, good and bad days, wedding dates, ancestral anniversaries and other events of the year.
The interface is beautiful, easy to use and understand, and provides a variety of utilities for users.
Full support of features for looking up, seeing good days and bad days for daily tasks, important jobs.
Consider good and bad days to create luck for homeowners such as: consider wedding day, car purchase, grand opening, ground breaking, ...
The interface is beautiful, easy to use and understand, and provides a variety of utilities for users.
Full support of features for looking up, seeing good days and bad days for daily tasks, important jobs.
Consider good and bad days to create luck for homeowners such as: consider wedding day, car purchase, grand opening, ground breaking, ...
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