Study reveals that children grasp information about colors, shapes, words, sounds and various other information long before they start to speak.
ABC Alphabet Flashcard for kids is a beautiful and colorful Flashcards App, containing ideal amount of undistracted information to help memorizing the alphabets shapes, sounds they make and object name starting with the letter. This app is ideal to be taught for children of 1 to 5 years of age.
It is one of the most suited alphabet flashcards app to be used in all levels of Pre-K, kindergarten and initial grade classes.
ABC Alphabet Flashcard for Kids is aimed to practice as a learning drill to aid memorization by way of spaced repetition learning technique and exercise the mental process of active recall and to helps building concentration and cognitive skills.
It also has a feature to turn off the text labels (quiz mode) for parents and teachers to ask the kids about the shape.
We at Holiday Educationist have a team of certified teachers onboard to consult and proof-read the apps’ content for the optimum quality assurance.
Main Features
Four carefully selected Fonts for memorizing alphabets’ shapes
Image and Illustration Provided for every word.
Sound Effects
Turn off label (quiz mode)
Zero distraction of any user interface controls
Carefully selected colors
Soft background music option
High Definition content for retina display
Swipe left / right gesture to navigate between letters
ABC Alphabet Flashcard for kids is a beautiful and colorful Flashcards App, containing ideal amount of undistracted information to help memorizing the alphabets shapes, sounds they make and object name starting with the letter. This app is ideal to be taught for children of 1 to 5 years of age.
It is one of the most suited alphabet flashcards app to be used in all levels of Pre-K, kindergarten and initial grade classes.
ABC Alphabet Flashcard for Kids is aimed to practice as a learning drill to aid memorization by way of spaced repetition learning technique and exercise the mental process of active recall and to helps building concentration and cognitive skills.
It also has a feature to turn off the text labels (quiz mode) for parents and teachers to ask the kids about the shape.
We at Holiday Educationist have a team of certified teachers onboard to consult and proof-read the apps’ content for the optimum quality assurance.
Main Features
Four carefully selected Fonts for memorizing alphabets’ shapes
Image and Illustration Provided for every word.
Sound Effects
Turn off label (quiz mode)
Zero distraction of any user interface controls
Carefully selected colors
Soft background music option
High Definition content for retina display
Swipe left / right gesture to navigate between letters
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