KJV, NIV Bible, UKJV, WEBB icon


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About KJV, NIV Bible, UKJV, WEBB

The Church Of GOD has been Polluted by church goers,—those who claimed to be born again—those who claimed to be Christians, those who claimed to be Spirit Filled, that is the reason there is no longer Power of GOD in the Church today, one of the Motivation behind this Application is for serious minded Christians who know their final destination—Heaven—You need to make personal sincere efforts about the subject of “Holiness”, because Judgment Must Start from the HOUSE Of GOD(HOG).
If you are passionate about heaven at the end of this “Race” here on Earth, just download this Application.
About Application & Features:
-The App has Eight chapters about “Holiness & Purity” with “Nice Look & Feel RecyclerView”.
-Each chapter of the Book has “Share Functionality” wherein you can copy and share each chapter in platforms like—Facebook, Instagram, Telegram, Yahoo mail, Gmail, Yandex Mail, WhatsApp, WeChat, etc.
-Each Chapter has “Background Mode Functionality” wherein you can change between Black & White Background Mode depending on your needs.
-App Has Daily Bible Verse embedded on the App Splash Screen.
-The App Feature includes “Dictionary Application” Where you can search words especially those indexed in the Bible.
-The App Feature includes Pop-Up Windows embedded with Various “Functionalities”.
-The App Features include Bible Applications which has 8 Difference Versions of the Bible:
King James Version, Catholic PDV Bible, NOVA Vulgate Bible, Updated King James Bible, Worlds English Bible, American Standard Version, New International Version.
-The Bible Application includes features but not limited to the Following:
-Compare each Verses And Chapters.
-Bookmark Each Verse For Later Use.
- Highlight “Functionality” to highlight each verse of any chapter in the Bible.
-Embedded Note Taking Application to take and save Note in the Database.
- Completed “Functionality” wherein you can save the chapter of the Bible you have completed for later use.
- The Bible Application has “Search Functionality” wherein you can search the whole Bible.
- The Bible Application has Share Functionality where you can share each verse of the Bible on social Media Platforms like— Facebook, Instagram, Telegram, Yahoo mail, Gmail, Yandex Mail, WhatsApp, WeChat, etc.

- You can switch between difference types of Bible Versions depending on your usage.
The App has embedded article of how to read the Bible—this included various Steps on how to study the Bible for every Christian who want to be a good Bible Scholar.
The Application includes 365 Days Bible References for each Day, herein you can select the “Day Of the Year ” and check date in the application to get the Bible Reference that matches this day.
The Bible Reference Application includes Search Functionality where you can search the “Actual day” or Search by “References”.
The “The Reference Application has embedded Share Functionality” wherein you can copy and share each Day Bible reference with your “Friends & Family Member” via Facebook, Instagram, Telegram, Yahoo mail, Gmail, Yandex Mail, WhatsApp, WeChat, etc.
The Application has List & Grid Layout, where you can toggle between Views.
It does not requires any internet connection to work.
It is free and easy to use.
Download & Enjoy!

KJV, NIV Bible, UKJV, WEBB Screenshots