糖果消消乐传奇 icon


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About 糖果消消乐传奇

2021 National Fruit Elimination Mobile Game, with cute fruits, cute sweets, cookies, candy heroes, break through levels together, slide your finger and let us kill them together

Candy Candies-is a casual puzzle game. Fashionable and interesting puzzle game with simple rules and easy to use, rich and changeable picture elements, fresh and lovely picture scenes, challenging map to break through, dreamy sweet candy style, rich and interesting sound effects, slowly floating clouds , Soaring seagulls, swimming sailboats, the sound of screaming waves, fashionable background music, let you unconsciously immerse yourself in it. There are also a variety of brand-new gameplay of icon movement system, combo system, and star collection system. Hundreds of levels have been carefully balanced with difficulty and fun.
More than a dozen kinds of magical props that trigger chains, combos, explosions, exchanges, and upgrades. There are new gains every day. Remember to log in every day, so that you can comfortably challenge the world of cute elimination in the bed!

-Simple fingertip micromanipulation
Touch the screen and slightly slide the fruit, you can feel the powerful impact and attractiveness. It turns out that the fruit is not only sweet, but also so colorful.

-Wonderful level design
The fruit-eating elves make people grit their teeth, and the mysterious magic clicks make people yearn for infinitely. It is hard to say a word. Only after experiencing it can you know the wonderful fun.

-Can play anytime, anywhere
You can play without traffic, invincible eliminate music before going to bed, after meals, on the road, and eliminate all unhappiness!

-Cute and cute pictures
From the ice-covered extremely cold continent, to the ocean floating with Viking warships, to the farm full of tulip fields, and the lifelike Q cute cartoon image, all of them reflect the wisdom of the designer and the excellent quality of the game.

The game contains a variety of props, candy, cookie, candy hero, fruits, vegetables, let's enjoy the wonderful game together

-Each pass is a new beginning, so that the beauty and achievements continue to continue. It is a good game worth having.
-It’s so fun, I’m deeply in love with it, hahahahaha, it’s much more fun than ordinary matchmaking games.
-It's so fun, I can't stop once I play this game!

糖果消消乐传奇 Screenshots