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HOST - Act It Out!

Act It Out !
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About HOST - Act It Out!

“More than 90% of directing a picture is the RIGHT CASTING” - Martin Scorsese.

Connect with the “RIGHT” Talent with ACT IT OUT APP!

Introducing AIO app, specially designed for Production Houses & Casting directors to find talent on the go! Over 1 LAKH Actors are waiting to find their perfect roles.


• What do you do if you need a typical Kashmiri girl for your big banner film?
• What do you do if you need a typical Assamese girl for your next ad campaign?
• What do you do if you need a Bihari guy for your next theatre act?
• What do you do if you need a specific character for your documentary?
• What do you do if you need a perfect comedy character for the new web-series on youtube?

You put out an Advertisement, ask your friends to pass on the message, put it up on social media so the people who have access can come and give an audition or at max if you’re a company with big budgets you would go to that city and conduct auditions.

You realize the dearth of talent we miss out on just because of the lack of access sometimes at your end or sometimes at the end of the actor?

Managing Actors at Audition locations and scattered databases on your laptops & phones?

With AIO, all the above are sorted in one place. It can’t get more convenient, can it? So, register now and HOST AUDITIONS to find your perfect character!

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