Do you want to know, age scanner tells what is your age or what is your friend’s age? Use age detector face scanner and know about your age and your friend’s age. Age scanner is a prank app. Face scanner or age scanner prank detect your face and tells about your age. It is a fun app. Have fun with your friends and family using this age scanner prank.
App works through using camera. Put the camera on your face and wait for some time. App will scan your face and tell your age. It is all about fun. Prank with companions and enjoy this free funny prank app.
• Place the face in outline screen
• Wait until the app detect your face
• Let X-ray beam (line) scan your face and display result
• Age will display at mobile screen
App works through using camera. Put the camera on your face and wait for some time. App will scan your face and tell your age. It is all about fun. Prank with companions and enjoy this free funny prank app.
• Place the face in outline screen
• Wait until the app detect your face
• Let X-ray beam (line) scan your face and display result
• Age will display at mobile screen
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