This application Amharic Qur'an Tafsir is prepared with voice offline Quran by Sheikh Misbah Mustafa Umar and helps to know the Tafsir from Surat al-Fatiha to the end of Surat Nisaa.
- Allows you to stay from 1-5 juz.
- This app is designed in such a beautiful way by Dr. Hussain Umar, we also prepare Quran lessons, Hadith lessons and tafsir applications by order. You can reach us on this phone number 251912767238.
- Allows you to stay from 1-5 juz.
- This app is designed in such a beautiful way by Dr. Hussain Umar, we also prepare Quran lessons, Hadith lessons and tafsir applications by order. You can reach us on this phone number 251912767238.
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