Dedicated calculator for professionals and veterinarians working in livestock rearing. Application for evaluating the price and quantity of hygiene products used during biosecurity operations in pig and poultry farms.
This application allows to calculate the product quantity and price (per square or cubic meter treated surface or volume) depending on the building type and size, the temperature and the micro-organism target (bacteria, yeasts, viruses). In addition, the biosecurity app supports the use of different product application such as spraying, nebulization (cold fogging) or thermal fogging.
This application allows to calculate the product quantity and price (per square or cubic meter treated surface or volume) depending on the building type and size, the temperature and the micro-organism target (bacteria, yeasts, viruses). In addition, the biosecurity app supports the use of different product application such as spraying, nebulization (cold fogging) or thermal fogging.
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