[Dongsen Shopping] The APP is newly revised, with great discounts, and the most convenient mobile shopping platform. Here, you can browse the full range of high-quality products on the Dongsen Shopping Network, and you can also watch the live broadcasts of the Dongsen Shopping Platform in real time, enjoying the fun of shopping anytime, anywhere.
Dongsen shopping, happiness is always there
Dongsen Tesco Co., Ltd. has always adhered to the principle of Dongsen's strict selection, and integrated its two major shopping platforms, Dongsen Shopping Network and Dongsen Shopping Platform. This APP will bring you a new shopping experience, making you feel like you are with Carry an exclusive department store.
[Dongsen Shopping] Shaving off the cumbersome operations and providing you with five major lists is to give you practical and considerate shopping choices.
● Time-limited product specials: snap up seckill products, and the limited-time discounts will not be missed.
● Category menu: Do you want to go shopping leisurely? Come to the category menu, 18 categories of products allow you to swipe slowly and easily.
● Express Checkout: Simple shopping checkout process, no need to wait for snapping goods.
● TV shopping: watch TV shopping channels CH34, CH46, CH47 and CH60 of Dongsen shopping platform instantly.
● Member Center: Quickly retrieve account balance, activity discounts, order information and shopping instructions.
● Message recognition: When you actively choose to use the camera function, it will be recognized, such as QRcode scanning.
Dongsen shopping, happiness is always there
Dongsen Tesco Co., Ltd. has always adhered to the principle of Dongsen's strict selection, and integrated its two major shopping platforms, Dongsen Shopping Network and Dongsen Shopping Platform. This APP will bring you a new shopping experience, making you feel like you are with Carry an exclusive department store.
[Dongsen Shopping] Shaving off the cumbersome operations and providing you with five major lists is to give you practical and considerate shopping choices.
● Time-limited product specials: snap up seckill products, and the limited-time discounts will not be missed.
● Category menu: Do you want to go shopping leisurely? Come to the category menu, 18 categories of products allow you to swipe slowly and easily.
● Express Checkout: Simple shopping checkout process, no need to wait for snapping goods.
● TV shopping: watch TV shopping channels CH34, CH46, CH47 and CH60 of Dongsen shopping platform instantly.
● Member Center: Quickly retrieve account balance, activity discounts, order information and shopping instructions.
● Message recognition: When you actively choose to use the camera function, it will be recognized, such as QRcode scanning.
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