iKeyMaster:X4 Foundations App is a handy reference tool to have on-hand while playing X4:Foundations. iKeyMaster:X4 contains the entire set of the latest X4 Keyboard Shortcuts Reference and makes them instantly available from your Android device. Just tap iKeyMaster:X4 and the latest X4:Foundations keyboard shortcuts are instantly available for you.
Also includes a Printable Full-Size Keyboard Reference in PDF format that you can print out and have handy while you're playing.
Completely FREE. Just wanted to contribute to the X4:Foundations community and help fellow Commanders out there in the icy cold vacuum of space :)
Also includes a Printable Full-Size Keyboard Reference in PDF format that you can print out and have handy while you're playing.
Completely FREE. Just wanted to contribute to the X4:Foundations community and help fellow Commanders out there in the icy cold vacuum of space :)
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