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S5 Mobile

iBroker Global Markets SV, SA
4.7 out of 5
1,000+ downloads

About S5 Mobile

The simple, intuitive app for trading Futures & Futures Options wherever you are… via your S5 Mobile demo or live account.

The app makes it easy to create a DEMO ACCOUNT to try it now for free. You will get $50,000 in simulated funds, plus:

- REAL TIME QUOTES for 14 days.
- Search and Browse FUTURES, OPTIONS, FOREX contracts
- Fully customizable real time CHARTS with indicators
- TWITTER integration on each contract, view feed and join the conversation
- PRICE ALERTS via Push Notifications
- WATCHLIST with your favorite contracts
- Quick access to ‘LAST VIEWED’ Markets
- One click REVERSE position, close position, CLOSE ALL positions
- Setup default ORDER SETTINGS per contract
- FRACTIONAL quotes support
- Free DEMO ACCOUNT signup from within the app

iBroker is 100% integrated with S5 Trader platform, so traders can use both interchangeably to trade and view account information.
Any orders placed on S5 Trader can be instantly seen, edited and cancelled on iBroker (and vice versa). Get push notifications of any fills on your mobile device, even if the order was entered on S5 Trader. Monitor all your Open Positions with iBroker on the go!