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World Weather Forecast

Aine LLC.
1,000+ downloads

About World Weather Forecast

Weather forecast application for all over the world.

You can set multiple favorite places.
For example, Your home, business trip destination, studying abroad and travel destination.

[Setting Area]
Setting Area is very easy.
Just move the map and just save the area you want to set at the center.
You can also set the name of your favorite area.

Set areas will be listed.
You can Add, Edit, Delete with each button.
The weather forecast is displayed when you select a area.

[Weather Forecast]
Use the lower left button to switch between Daily and Hourly.
Use the button to the right of that to switch between Simple and Detailed.

You can choose the language of the overview, the unit, the range of the maximum temperature and the lowest temperature.

Illustrator : Chihiro Sakaida

World Weather Forecast Screenshots