Easiest way to remove unwanted backgrounds.
Cutout pictures with accuracy with our touch optimized selection tool.
Use your own or download cool backgrounds from Pixabay and Unsplash photo library. Either you want to blur the background or completely remove it, WE GOT YOU.
Want to hid something in your picture? You can Redact sensitive material with our Pixelate Brush.
Or if you just want to be goofy use the FACE SWAP feature for funny pics. This is the best all in one app on the store.
•Background removal
•Blur Background
•Pixelate Brush
•Face Swap Tool
•Color Adjustment
•Perspective tool
•Crop, copy, flip image, and shadow
•Unsplash photo library
•Pixabay photo library
Cutout and Photo Background Changer
Blur Photo
Fx Effects Guru
Film FX - Movie Director
photo blend
PicCard - Stickers
PicParty - Photo Frames
Fotor Picture Editor
Email us for any support or suggestion.
We actually read your emails :)
Some features require an in-app-purchase
Cutout pictures with accuracy with our touch optimized selection tool.
Use your own or download cool backgrounds from Pixabay and Unsplash photo library. Either you want to blur the background or completely remove it, WE GOT YOU.
Want to hid something in your picture? You can Redact sensitive material with our Pixelate Brush.
Or if you just want to be goofy use the FACE SWAP feature for funny pics. This is the best all in one app on the store.
•Background removal
•Blur Background
•Pixelate Brush
•Face Swap Tool
•Color Adjustment
•Perspective tool
•Crop, copy, flip image, and shadow
•Unsplash photo library
•Pixabay photo library
Cutout and Photo Background Changer
Blur Photo
Fx Effects Guru
Film FX - Movie Director
photo blend
PicCard - Stickers
PicParty - Photo Frames
Fotor Picture Editor
Email us for any support or suggestion.
We actually read your emails :)
Some features require an in-app-purchase
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