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Backyard Poultry Farming App

1,000+ downloads

About Backyard Poultry Farming App

The CARI-Backyard Poultry Farming App is designed and developed by ICAR- Central Avian Research Institute, Izatnagar in collaboration with ICAR- Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar & Indian Agricultural Statistics Research Institute, New Delhi. The app is specifically targeted to impart knowledge and skills to the entrepreneurs / farmers , rural youth and farm women about the backyard poultry farming as a livelihood option. The app contains information about the Importance of backyard poultry (especially the features and nutritional benefits), its breeds & varieties, housing management (including housing needs, space requirements etc.), bird’s management (chicks, grower & adult management) , feeding management , innovative feeding resources, water management, health care (diseases, vaccination & medications) , organic poultry farming & marketing of the products. The app additionally contains the banking projects as well as frequently asked questions (FAQs).

Backyard Poultry Farming App Screenshots