-Departs: Don't miss any more trains or buses! In the departure overview of the KA Live Monitor (Prime), the next departure times of the stops in your area are displayed. It is up to you whether you want to see the departures of a specific stop or whether you want to see the departures of the nearest stop.
-Stopping points nearby: never lose track again! With the KA Live Monitor (Prime) you have the option of displaying all train and bus stops in your area on the map. Simply select a stop and you will see the current departures and start navigation straight away.
- Journey history: Do you still have enough time for the next train? With our route view, you can see directly where the train is.
-Live locations: keep an overview of all vehicles on our interactive map. The current route is loaded with a tap on a vehicle.
* This app is neither published nor maintained by the Karlsruher Verkehrsverbund GmbH, the Verkehrsbetriebe Karlsruhe or the Albtal-Verkehrs-Gesellschaft. It is a purely private project. None of the named companies is responsible for the content. The content of this app is based on the information on the website https://projekte.kvv-efa.de. The author does not claim to be correct or complete. Receive binding information on timetables, You can only contact the KVV directly.
-Departs: Don't miss any more trains or buses! In the departure overview of the KA Live Monitor (Prime), the next departure times of the stops in your area are displayed. It is up to you whether you want to see the departures of a specific stop or whether you want to see the departures of the nearest stop.
-Stopping points nearby: never lose track again! With the KA Live Monitor (Prime) you have the option of displaying all train and bus stops in your area on the map. Simply select a stop and you will see the current departures and start navigation straight away.
- Journey history: Do you still have enough time for the next train? With our route view, you can see directly where the train is.
-Live locations: keep an overview of all vehicles on our interactive map. The current route is loaded with a tap on a vehicle.
* This app is neither published nor maintained by the Karlsruher Verkehrsverbund GmbH, the Verkehrsbetriebe Karlsruhe or the Albtal-Verkehrs-Gesellschaft. It is a purely private project. None of the named companies is responsible for the content. The content of this app is based on the information on the website https://projekte.kvv-efa.de. The author does not claim to be correct or complete. Receive binding information on timetables, You can only contact the KVV directly.
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