• MORE THAN MOPPING】: ilife shinebot w400 guide
ILIFE W400s cleans the floor by 4 steps : Spray the hard floor with clean water to soften stains, scrubs the hard floor with a microfiber roller, removes. ilife shinebot w400 guide
dirty water with superior suction power and wipes off residues with a rubber scraper, leaving the hard floors spotless.
• 【MULTIPLE CLEANING. ilife shinebot w400 guide
MODE】: 4 different cleaning mode: PATH, AREA, SPOT, EDGE for handling multiple room. Maximum. ilife shinebot w400 guide
cleaning area will be 600 sq.ft (Compare the W400 400sq.ft).
• 【INSTANT DIRTY WATER COLLECT】: Enable collect the dirty. ilife shinebot w400 guide
water for ensuring only mop with clean water in every moment. The floor will dry much quicker than normal mopping, friendly for.ilife shinebot w400 guide
the pets and kids.
• 【WATER TANK SEPARATION DESIGN】:The 0.85L. ilife shinebot w400 guide
water tank to spray clean water and the 0.9L water tank to collect dirty water.Greatly improve the cleaning efficiency and easier to. ilife shinebot w400 guide
• 【SUITABLE FOR HARD. ilife shinebot w400 guide
FLOORS ONLY】: The Shinebot W400s is suitable for hard floors only, like tile, marble, hardwood or laminate. Below floor tiles are not suitable: tiles with. ilife shinebot w400 guide
large gaps, uneven floor tiles, the height difference between tiles is over 3 mm that the shinebot. ilife shinebot w400 guide
cannot cross it.
• 【WHAT YOU GET】: ilife shinebot w400 guide
1 Shinebot W400s, 1 Shinebot Cleaning Solution, 1 Remote control, 2 AAA Batteries,1 AC Power Adapater, ilife shinebot w400 guide
1 Charging Base, 1 Extra Roller Brush, 1 Cleaning tool, 1 User's. ilife shinebot w400 guide
Quick Guide, 1 User's manual. ( New robot is provided with 12 months warranty, refurbished/ used robot is provided with 3 months. ilife shinebot w400 guide
warranty only.)
ILIFE W400s cleans the floor by 4 steps : Spray the hard floor with clean water to soften stains, scrubs the hard floor with a microfiber roller, removes. ilife shinebot w400 guide
dirty water with superior suction power and wipes off residues with a rubber scraper, leaving the hard floors spotless.
• 【MULTIPLE CLEANING. ilife shinebot w400 guide
MODE】: 4 different cleaning mode: PATH, AREA, SPOT, EDGE for handling multiple room. Maximum. ilife shinebot w400 guide
cleaning area will be 600 sq.ft (Compare the W400 400sq.ft).
• 【INSTANT DIRTY WATER COLLECT】: Enable collect the dirty. ilife shinebot w400 guide
water for ensuring only mop with clean water in every moment. The floor will dry much quicker than normal mopping, friendly for.ilife shinebot w400 guide
the pets and kids.
• 【WATER TANK SEPARATION DESIGN】:The 0.85L. ilife shinebot w400 guide
water tank to spray clean water and the 0.9L water tank to collect dirty water.Greatly improve the cleaning efficiency and easier to. ilife shinebot w400 guide
• 【SUITABLE FOR HARD. ilife shinebot w400 guide
FLOORS ONLY】: The Shinebot W400s is suitable for hard floors only, like tile, marble, hardwood or laminate. Below floor tiles are not suitable: tiles with. ilife shinebot w400 guide
large gaps, uneven floor tiles, the height difference between tiles is over 3 mm that the shinebot. ilife shinebot w400 guide
cannot cross it.
• 【WHAT YOU GET】: ilife shinebot w400 guide
1 Shinebot W400s, 1 Shinebot Cleaning Solution, 1 Remote control, 2 AAA Batteries,1 AC Power Adapater, ilife shinebot w400 guide
1 Charging Base, 1 Extra Roller Brush, 1 Cleaning tool, 1 User's. ilife shinebot w400 guide
Quick Guide, 1 User's manual. ( New robot is provided with 12 months warranty, refurbished/ used robot is provided with 3 months. ilife shinebot w400 guide
warranty only.)
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