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Pediatric Asthma Score

iMedical Apps
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About Pediatric Asthma Score

"Pediatric Asthma Severity Score - Asthma Tracker" is medical mobile app designed to help medical practitioner to stratifies asthma attack severity by calculating paediatric asthma score. Based on the result of paediatric asthma score, the severity of asthma attack will be classified by "Pediatric Asthma Severity Score - Asthma Tracker" app into three categories, namely mild asthma attack, moderate asthma attack, and severe asthma attack.

There are several features of "Pediatric Asthma Severity Score - Asthma Tracker", namely:
🔸 Simple and very easy to use asthma tracker app.
🔸 Precise calculation of paediatric asthma score.
🔸 Classification of asthma attack severity.
🔸 It is totally free. Download now!

Asthma, which occurs in adult and children patients, is a chronic inflammatory disorder of the airways characterised by an obstruction of airflow. Asthma is a heterogeneous disorder that is characterised by recurrent airway obstruction, bronchial hyper-responsiveness, and airway inflammation. Asthma is the most common chronic illness in children population. Download now "Pediatric Asthma Severity Score - Asthma Tracker" app.

Disclaimer: all calculations must be re-checked and should not be used alone to guide patient care, nor should they substitute for clinical judgment. Calculations in this "Pediatric Asthma Severity Score - Asthma Tracker" app might be different with your local practice. Consult to expert doctor whenever necessary.

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