Ad-Din: For Masjid & Madrasah icon

Ad-Din: For Masjid & Madrasah

Immense Inc.
Free (in-app purchases)
5.0 out of 5
1,000+ downloads

About Ad-Din: For Masjid & Madrasah

Almost every Masjid/Mosque & Madrasah/Religious Schools have issues reaching & publishing important details to congregants in the community, and facing challenges within to administer all through papers.

“Ad-Din Mobile & Web App” features a lot more while addressing above issues.


• Masjid
-Masjid Finder: Find & follow nearby Masjid/Madrasah, view local prayer times, facilities, gallery & get direction
-Prayer Times: Accurate prayer times of your local home & Followed Masajid. Automatic location based prayer times when traveling.
-About Home Masjid: An about article describing your Home Masjid
-Staff Directory: Complete staff list with their biography
-Facility Details: List of all the facilities & amenities
-Masjid Admin Portal to manage it all from either an App or Web

• Madrasah
>> Introduction
--Program Details & Subject: View available Programs & Subjects at your Local Home Madrasah
--Signup for a Program: Apply for a Program online
--Alumni: View list of Alumni & their verdicts
--Staff List: View Staff list & their biography
--Class Routine: Class & Teacher Routine by terms

>> Role Based Access: Admin Portal, Teacher Portal, Parent Portal & Student Portal featuring
--Dashboard: General, Today, Weekly, Monthly & Yearly status
--Class / Class Section: Class Capacity, Students by Section, Class Teacher
--Subjects: Subject teachers, Syllabus, Author
--Attendance: Class & Subject wise attendance
--Exam Marks: by student or subjects
--Library: Circulation, Acquisition, Categories, Locations
--Migration: Migrate students between Class
--Fee Payments: Define fees & frequency by class & keep track of their payment status
--Assignments: Daily, Weekly & Monthly Assignment with sophisticated Quran or Standard Picker, auto deduct marks by mistakes & capture behaviour per assignment cycle
--Recognitions: Capture recognitions such as “Student of the Month”
--Delegations: Record delegations for teachers on leave
--Alumni Verdict: Allows students to record their verdict, subject to admin approval
--Parent-Teacher Interview: Organize & remind of the parent teacher interview electronically

• Messages
-Automatic triggered based email & push notification
-Admin of an organization can send messages via email & Push Notification to Volunteers, Staff, Followers, Parents or Student of a specific Class/section (SMS is coming soon)
-Users can filter messages by Organization & further filter by Sent, Read, Unread, Flagged or Deleted

• Events
-See what’s happening today around you, how many are going to & interested of some events
-View & share the events, flag your interest or bookmark for later
-My Calendar, bookmarked & Filtered views of events
-Get push & email notified of events

• Carpool
-View or Add your carpool listing
-Reply, Accept or Reject the carpool offers

• Ideas
-Post your ideas of features that you want to see in Ad-Din & ask for votes
-Most voted ideas will be considered & implemented in the upcoming releases.

• +
• The Holy Quran (Al Qur'an)
• Live Streaming: YouTube Channel & Mixlr audio integration
• "Tasbih" to count your dhikr
• Qiblah Compass: To show you the direction to Qabah
• CRM (Customer Relationship Management): Coming Soon
• LMS (Learning Management Solution): Coming Soon

Everything you need for your daily ritual needs. "Ad-Din" Everywhere you go + its ad-free

• In-App Purchases:
You will need Ad-Din’s low cost subscription to gain access to premium features. You can use your existing Google Play Store account to make a secure payment OR if you are Role Based user you may be assigned a subscription by Madrasah Admin.

Note: Local Masjid’s Begin, Adhan and Iqamah times are controlled by Masjid Admin. When travelling you can set the location and set Prayer times to “Auto” for Ad-Din App to provide you accurate begin times.

More info:

Ad-Din: For Masjid & Madrasah Screenshots