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SCIENCE OR FICTION? The Future Museum in the heart of Nuremberg's old town How will we live in 10, 20 or 50 years? How does technology develop - and what challenges does this pose for us as a society? The branch of the Deutsches Museum invites you to take an exciting and informative look into the future. The basic concept of juxtaposing “science” and “fiction” runs like a red thread through all areas of the exhibition. Here concrete projects from current research, future utopias and dystopias from literature, film and art are juxtaposed. As a result, the opportunities of various technologies will be discussed - but also possible risks and consequences for everyday life and society. What ethical questions will technology pose to us? The exhibition covers five selected subject areas: WORK & EVERYDAY LIFE deals with developments that affect our daily life. Robots, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Big Data make our lives easier, they do the work for us. BODY & SPIRIT focuses on technologies that fulfill human dreams: no more diseases, no aging, maybe eternal life. SYSTEM STADT outlines the future infrastructure of megacities. In 2050, around 80 percent of the world's population could live in cities with more than ten million inhabitants. SYSTEM EARTH contrasts the areas considered so far with the macro-cosmos of our entire planet in the future. RAUM & ZEIT looks out into a universe full of promises: Humans use asteroids as a source of raw materials, colonize the moon and Mars and advance into distant galaxies.