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About OutLoud

OutLoud, the leading social network around LGBT + events. Find nearby events and people from the LGBT + community to meet them and discover new activities.

Stay up-to-date on popular LGBT + Friendly recent events such as Pride, concerts, musical or celebration evenings such as Halloween. Search for an event by date and distance filter!

OutLoud is:
Find LGBT + friendly events with a wide variety of choices, filter by date and distance.
Chat with people from the community to become friends, express yourself and more if you like :)
Find or create a room to meet people interested in the same event. Even invite your friends!
During or after an event, communicate with other members by message or photos via Live Feed of the event.

Your data is secure! You can read our privacy policy via http://outloud-app.com/regles-de-confidentialite/

More information below:

We are in the middle of testing and constantly improving the application. If you have any problems or questions, please contact us via support@outloud-app.com

Find us on social networks HERE:
Instagram: @ outloud.app
Facebook: @inclusiveFr
Twitter: @outloud_app

OutLoud Screenshots