Laws according to Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu zt "l.
Rabbi Mordechai Tzemach Eliahu was the Rishon LeZion and the Chief Rabbi of Israel between the years 5743-1993, and the President of the "Rabbinic Ways of Teaching Rabbis".
In addition to Halachot on topics such as the holidays, holidays, Purim, costumes, wine, Shavuot, study, thanks, Chanuka, Chanukah candles, dreidot, Torah shiur, and times for Torah, Tzitzit, Shabbat, Shabbat, Shabbat times, Pesach Matzot, Simchat Torah, Lashon Hara. Kook Fasting Fasting When the Fast Comes Tisha B'Av Tenth of Tevet Tenth of Tammuz Fasting Gedalia Yom Kippur Jewish Calendar Segulah Segulot etc ...
Many more interesting questions to learn the answer to them.
Option to add daily reminder.
Possibility to send the halakhah in a vase. whatsapp
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Rabbi Mordechai Tzemach Eliahu was the Rishon LeZion and the Chief Rabbi of Israel between the years 5743-1993, and the President of the "Rabbinic Ways of Teaching Rabbis".
In addition to Halachot on topics such as the holidays, holidays, Purim, costumes, wine, Shavuot, study, thanks, Chanuka, Chanukah candles, dreidot, Torah shiur, and times for Torah, Tzitzit, Shabbat, Shabbat, Shabbat times, Pesach Matzot, Simchat Torah, Lashon Hara. Kook Fasting Fasting When the Fast Comes Tisha B'Av Tenth of Tevet Tenth of Tammuz Fasting Gedalia Yom Kippur Jewish Calendar Segulah Segulot etc ...
Many more interesting questions to learn the answer to them.
Option to add daily reminder.
Possibility to send the halakhah in a vase. whatsapp
Option to select flagged rules for future reference.
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