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Eagle Eye Motor Risk and Investigation Pvt. Ltd is founded by the Mr. Dilip Sonawane Former Deputy General Manager ,
The New India Assurance Co. Ltd., Mr. Rajesh Kumar Surveyor and Loss Assessor and Mr. Samrat Jadhav Surveyor and Loss Assessor.

Their hardcore professionalism, high standards of conduct and reputation of fair dealings enabled them to establish an organization with the aim to be pioneer insurance professional service provider for motor risk, insurance claims, motor, fire, marine engineering surveys and administrative solutions. Increasingly rapid growth of insurance industry are creating unprecedented opportunities.

The objective pursued by the company are to carry on business to provide, conduct, operate, manage, distribute, encourage for and to act as advisor, valuer, occupier, investigator, auctioneers, tracers, organizers, consultants, Surveyors & loss assessor, advocates and agents of and deal in life and non-life insurance includes fire, marine, motor vehicle, cargo, plant & machinery, stock, factory, home, crop insurance, live stock, transport, transit, health, burglary, theft and all type of miscellaneous insurance in India and world wide

Our mission is to provide end-to-end services for all types of life and non-life insurance claims, investigations, motor risk and all type of surveys. We consistently strive to provide all our clients with accurate, efficient and cost effective insurance claim investigation administrative solutions.

With our core values of integrity, purity and discretion, we aim to be most respected, trusted and preferred insurance professional service provider for motor risk, insurance claims, motor, fire, marine engineering surveys and administrative solutions.