Законодательство РК ИС Парагра icon

Законодательство РК ИС Парагра

ТОО "ИнфоТех&Сервис"
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About Законодательство РК ИС Парагра

Free application information system "Paragraph" - a non-stop access to all the legal acts of the public authorities of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Constitution, constitutional laws, codes, laws;
Presidential decrees having the force of Constitutional Law, the President decrees having the force of law, other normative legal decrees of the President;
regulatory decisions of the Government and directions of the Prime Minister;
regulatory decisions of the Constitutional Council, the Supreme Court and the Central Election Commission;
ratified and approved by Government decision, as well as acts of central and local public authorities of international agreements;
normative legal acts of ministries, agencies, their departments and other central government bodies (the last registration in the Ministry of Justice);
basis for regional law (regulatory decisions of maslikhats, local government offices;
draft regulations, explanatory notes, conclusions of scientific expertise to them, comparative tables, acts of the Parliament and its chambers for the passage of legislation - regulations made by the Government;
judicial decisions;
standards and other technical documentation;
tax writing;
Background information (in part);
form legal documents;
analytical materials, articles, publications, comments leading specialists of Kazakhstan and abroad.

All information is updated daily.
The information is easy to find with a quick search.
Advanced Search helps you find documents on known details (date of adoption, number who took the body type, etc.).
The application created by 'InfoTec & Service "- the developer of the most complete and accurate" Paragraph "information system

Join the IP group "Para" in social networks, and you will not only get free access to the main documents in the application fee, and will be aware of all the important and interesting news and events, which you can share and discuss
• Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/groups/paragraph.kz/
• VKontakte - https://vk.com/prgkz
• Google+
https://plus.google.com/u/0/+%D0%B8%D1%81%D0%BF%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B3%D1%80%D0% B0% D1% 84

For more information about application http://prg.kz/mobile

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