****** main function ******
* Display today's weather in real time
Displays information such as temperature, weather information, precipitation, and humidity.
* Hourly weather
Provides weather after 2 days every 3 hours
* Weekly weather
Provides weather up to 10 days.
* Weather forecast
Provides a brief description of today's weather provided by the Meteorological Agency.
If you have new feature suggestions and questions, please send us your feedback by email!
Email: injung0103@gmail.com
* Display today's weather in real time
Displays information such as temperature, weather information, precipitation, and humidity.
* Hourly weather
Provides weather after 2 days every 3 hours
* Weekly weather
Provides weather up to 10 days.
* Weather forecast
Provides a brief description of today's weather provided by the Meteorological Agency.
If you have new feature suggestions and questions, please send us your feedback by email!
Email: injung0103@gmail.com
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