Tired of not being able to find high-resolution cool wallpapers for your cellphone screen? Discover one of the largest collections of cellphone wallpapers and make your screen look amazing, with over 10,000 manually selected images, I guarantee you'll find what you're looking for!
With a modern and user-friendly interface, you can easily navigate through thousands of cool wallpapers, which are sorted by categories and tags, allowing you to easily find your preferred wallpapers. It also includes a image search function.
• High-definition Cool Wallpapers.
Enjoy thousands of HD wallpaper that you can download for free without any monthly fees. All images in this app are free.
• Live wallpapers 4k.
If static background aren't enough for you, this app has hundreds of live wallpapers 4k that allow you to bring your cellphone screen to life with amazing video background.
• Set or download.
You're in control; choose whether you want to set the images directly on your home and lock screen or download them to your phone's memory to use later or share them with your friends.
• Lightweight application.
The images and the app have been optimized to be very lightweight. High-resolution images are usually very heavy and consume a lot of space, but we improved the images to make them lightweight so you don't have to worry about that. Additionally, the app has an option to clear the cache, so you can reduce the space consumed whenever necessary.
• Wallpaper 4k dimensions.
All images have a resolution of 1080x1920 to 1440x2960, ensuring that any wallpaper can perfectly fit your cellphone screen. You can also choose to set the wallpaper automatically or manually, where you can crop and adjust the dimensions to fit your screen best.
• Frequent updates.
New Background are added every week, and we strive to upload new content every day, ensuring that every time you open the app, new wallpapers hd are available to refresh your phone screen.
Other features
• Download cool wallpapers without limits, subscriptions, or in-app purchases, everything is free.
• Set the background directly to your home or lock screen, or download them to your internal storage.
• Mark your favorite images and keep it in sight.
• Images sorted by categories.
• Cool Wallpapers HD adaptable to any screen.
• Share background with your friends on social media.
• Filters and search function to easily find your favorite wallpaper.
• Live wallpapers.
• Moving wallpapers.
• Aesthetic.
• Vaporwave.
Wallpaper HD categories
Anime, Cars wallpaper, Video Game, Digital Art, Dark/Blac, City, Abstract, Heroes, Neon, Movie, Minimalist, Famous Characters, Fantasy, and many other categories that allow you to browse only the wallpapers you like.
What should you expect from HD Wallpaper - Background 4k: Free Wallpaper App
• Famous video game hd wallpaper:
• Background screens of the best video games.
• New stunning wallpapers every week
• Animated wallpapers
• Save the wallpaper you like
• Caribbean wallpaper
• Hd wallpapers of famous movies
• Simple and easy-to-use interface
• Neon wallpapers
• Free wallpaper app
• Trends.
Each image in our app is carefully selected, and we strive to only offer high-quality images that perfectly fit your cellphone screen, regardless of the resolution.
Download this free wallpaper app now and browse through thousands of amazing background that will bring your screen to life.
Disclaimer: The images in this app are either licensed in the public domain or uploaded by artists. Users are requested to use these images for personal use as wallpaper only. All images downloaded from the app are free to use and intended for personal use only.
With a modern and user-friendly interface, you can easily navigate through thousands of cool wallpapers, which are sorted by categories and tags, allowing you to easily find your preferred wallpapers. It also includes a image search function.
• High-definition Cool Wallpapers.
Enjoy thousands of HD wallpaper that you can download for free without any monthly fees. All images in this app are free.
• Live wallpapers 4k.
If static background aren't enough for you, this app has hundreds of live wallpapers 4k that allow you to bring your cellphone screen to life with amazing video background.
• Set or download.
You're in control; choose whether you want to set the images directly on your home and lock screen or download them to your phone's memory to use later or share them with your friends.
• Lightweight application.
The images and the app have been optimized to be very lightweight. High-resolution images are usually very heavy and consume a lot of space, but we improved the images to make them lightweight so you don't have to worry about that. Additionally, the app has an option to clear the cache, so you can reduce the space consumed whenever necessary.
• Wallpaper 4k dimensions.
All images have a resolution of 1080x1920 to 1440x2960, ensuring that any wallpaper can perfectly fit your cellphone screen. You can also choose to set the wallpaper automatically or manually, where you can crop and adjust the dimensions to fit your screen best.
• Frequent updates.
New Background are added every week, and we strive to upload new content every day, ensuring that every time you open the app, new wallpapers hd are available to refresh your phone screen.
Other features
• Download cool wallpapers without limits, subscriptions, or in-app purchases, everything is free.
• Set the background directly to your home or lock screen, or download them to your internal storage.
• Mark your favorite images and keep it in sight.
• Images sorted by categories.
• Cool Wallpapers HD adaptable to any screen.
• Share background with your friends on social media.
• Filters and search function to easily find your favorite wallpaper.
• Live wallpapers.
• Moving wallpapers.
• Aesthetic.
• Vaporwave.
Wallpaper HD categories
Anime, Cars wallpaper, Video Game, Digital Art, Dark/Blac, City, Abstract, Heroes, Neon, Movie, Minimalist, Famous Characters, Fantasy, and many other categories that allow you to browse only the wallpapers you like.
What should you expect from HD Wallpaper - Background 4k: Free Wallpaper App
• Famous video game hd wallpaper:
• Background screens of the best video games.
• New stunning wallpapers every week
• Animated wallpapers
• Save the wallpaper you like
• Caribbean wallpaper
• Hd wallpapers of famous movies
• Simple and easy-to-use interface
• Neon wallpapers
• Free wallpaper app
• Trends.
Each image in our app is carefully selected, and we strive to only offer high-quality images that perfectly fit your cellphone screen, regardless of the resolution.
Download this free wallpaper app now and browse through thousands of amazing background that will bring your screen to life.
Disclaimer: The images in this app are either licensed in the public domain or uploaded by artists. Users are requested to use these images for personal use as wallpaper only. All images downloaded from the app are free to use and intended for personal use only.
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