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About Seguin

Choosing a wood stove, gas or pellet is not always easy. What place will it occupy, which configuration to choose ...
To help you project, we imagined this 3D application, which, with your smartphone or tablet will allow you to configure and simulate augmented reality your future stove.
You will be able to access the characteristics of your stove, choose the style of modules you want to add, then the ideal configuration, at home, in your room, and turn around like magic.
You'll be able to add favorites to the favorites you've been dreaming of, and share the views on social networks to ask your family and friends for feedback.


- Collection: discover the three types of stoves: Wood, Granules, Gas and choose the model that suits you.
- Simulation: Follow the instructions and discover it in augmented reality at home.
- Save: save the views to your tablet / smartphone.
- Share: on social networks, and collect LOVE from those around you.

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