Por Talento Empresas is the job intermediation app of Fundación ONCE/Inserta Empleo aimed at companies to facilitate the hiring of people with disabilities.
With the For Business Talent App you can access 200,000 candidates with disabilities and find the professional profile you need for your job vacancy, the perfect candidate to help your company grow.
There are already more than 2,000 companies that manage their selection processes with Por Talento. With our App you can:
✓ Consult the candidates with disabilities registered in the job offers published on our website.
✓ Assign a status to each of the selection processes.
✓ Duplicate offers to publish them more easily.
✓ Schedule interviews with candidates.
✓ Calculate the corresponding tax benefits for hiring people with disabilities through the incentive calculator.
When you register in the App For Business Talent you will have at your disposal our more than 100 technicians specialized in personalized attention to the employer. At Por Talento we are aware that the search and selection process for professionals with disabilities can sometimes not be easy for small and medium-sized companies . For this reason, we have developed an efficient and versatile work system that allows all types of companies to obtain the most suitable candidates for their jobs.
✓ Know the advantages of hiring people with disabilities.
✓ Have the help of a professional team expert in labor intermediation with people with disabilities.
✓ Hire people with disabilities for their talent.
✓ Sensitize your company towards diversity in disability.
Among the advantages of hiring people with disabilities are:
✓ Promote equal opportunities.
✓ Generate shared value.
✓ Access highly talented profiles.
✓ Strengthen the relationship with interest groups.
✓ Facilitate access to customers with disabilities.
✓ Generate competitive advantages.
✓ Improve image and reputation.
✓ Interesting tax advantages.
We achieve success in your hiring of people with disabilities
We help companies not only to incorporate workers with disabilities in jobs that have vacancies, but also to raise awareness throughout the entity about the value and capacity of people with disabilities.
The complementary services that we currently offer are:
✓ Job analysis: if your company is interested in including the disability variable in its jobs and adapting them so that anyone can fill them, we can help you.
✓ Awareness seminars: we will give you the keys to facilitate the inclusion of people with disabilities in your work environment.
✓ We offer companies the option of presenting them with candidates with profiles adjusted to their usual needs on an ongoing basis without the need to expressly request our services for each vacancy they create.
To access this service, it is necessary for the company to send, through the Por Talento platform, a request detailing the most relevant aspects of the professional profile they are looking for.
A professional from Inserta Empleo will contact the company to specify both the typical profile and the conditions for the provision of the service.
When the requested profile is identified, Inserta Empleo will contact the candidate to survey their availability and interest.
The application that has expressed its agreement is sent to the company through Por Talento.
With the For Business Talent App you can access 200,000 candidates with disabilities and find the professional profile you need for your job vacancy, the perfect candidate to help your company grow.
The fastest way to hire people with disabilities.
There are already more than 2,000 companies that manage their selection processes with Por Talento. With our App you can:
✓ Consult the candidates with disabilities registered in the job offers published on our website.
✓ Assign a status to each of the selection processes.
✓ Duplicate offers to publish them more easily.
✓ Schedule interviews with candidates.
✓ Calculate the corresponding tax benefits for hiring people with disabilities through the incentive calculator.
Labor Mediation
When you register in the App For Business Talent you will have at your disposal our more than 100 technicians specialized in personalized attention to the employer. At Por Talento we are aware that the search and selection process for professionals with disabilities can sometimes not be easy for small and medium-sized companies . For this reason, we have developed an efficient and versatile work system that allows all types of companies to obtain the most suitable candidates for their jobs.
Download our app if you want…
✓ Know the advantages of hiring people with disabilities.
✓ Have the help of a professional team expert in labor intermediation with people with disabilities.
✓ Hire people with disabilities for their talent.
✓ Sensitize your company towards diversity in disability.
Advantages of hiring people with disabilities
Among the advantages of hiring people with disabilities are:
✓ Promote equal opportunities.
✓ Generate shared value.
✓ Access highly talented profiles.
✓ Strengthen the relationship with interest groups.
✓ Facilitate access to customers with disabilities.
✓ Generate competitive advantages.
✓ Improve image and reputation.
✓ Interesting tax advantages.
We achieve success in your hiring of people with disabilities
We help companies not only to incorporate workers with disabilities in jobs that have vacancies, but also to raise awareness throughout the entity about the value and capacity of people with disabilities.
The complementary services that we currently offer are:
✓ Job analysis: if your company is interested in including the disability variable in its jobs and adapting them so that anyone can fill them, we can help you.
✓ Awareness seminars: we will give you the keys to facilitate the inclusion of people with disabilities in your work environment.
✓ We offer companies the option of presenting them with candidates with profiles adjusted to their usual needs on an ongoing basis without the need to expressly request our services for each vacancy they create.
How it works By Talent Companies
To access this service, it is necessary for the company to send, through the Por Talento platform, a request detailing the most relevant aspects of the professional profile they are looking for.
A professional from Inserta Empleo will contact the company to specify both the typical profile and the conditions for the provision of the service.
When the requested profile is identified, Inserta Empleo will contact the candidate to survey their availability and interest.
The application that has expressed its agreement is sent to the company through Por Talento.
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