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Fluxstore Strapi

500+ downloads

About Fluxstore Strapi

For more detail, please refer to https://1.envato.market/J3A1Q

Fluxstore Strapi is a universal e-commerce app inspired by the Flutter framework, made by Google. Create a native app for your Strapi website – on both iOS and Android with impressive UI design and rich e-commerce functionalities. With the mission of reducing thousands of hours of business spent on designing, developing, and testing a mobile app, Fluxstore comes as a complete solution for optimizing to deliver your app to the market with high productivity and cost-efficiency. It could be able to satisfy all of the business requirements including e-commerce functionalities, impressive UX design, and smooth performance on both iOS and Android devices.

If your business has already had the website that built based on Strapi, then it is easy to integrate with Fluxstore Strapi by just a few steps, and quickly release the final app to both Appstore and Google Play store. The download package is included the full source code and many related resources (designs, documents, videos…) that help you install in the smoothest way.

Either you are business people with raising sale ambition or developers with faster mobile application creation need, Fluxstore provides you solutions. Faster- Smoother- Closer.

Fluxstore Strapi Screenshots