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The Nigerian Institution of Surveyors is maybe one of the most established composed bodies in Nigeria. it began in 1934 as the "Authorized Surveyors Association" under the capable initiative of the late Nationalist, Herbert Heelas Macaulay. In 1960, the name was changed to the "Land Surveyors Association of Nigeria" with late Surv. C. T. Olumide as administrator. The current name – "The Nigerian Institution of Surveyors" was embraced at the Enugu gathering in 1966 with the late Surv. C. T. Olumide chose as its first President. The Nigerian Institution of Surveyors is the umbrella expert association for all Surveyors in Nigeria, regardless of whether in private practice, government or the scholarly world. The vehicle for the preparation of Surveyors and improvement of Survey procedures; keeping up the best quality of expert practice and direct among its members;interacting with and exhorting Government on authoritative issues as they influence the calling.

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