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About Linkmusic

Do you like watching live concerts?

You can follow your musicians and / or rooms and be informed of all their concerts and news, directly on your mobile.
Sign up for different events, depending on your location and musical interests.
Read interviews with groups that are already registered in Linkmusic
Have a weekly selection of recommended groups.

Are you a musician or do you have a band? Do you want to get more visibility and more concerts?

You can have a musician profile with all the band's information (photos, video, audios, Spotify, Social Networks).
You can create your concerts and publish them in the Linkmusic agenda, integrated into different collaborating websites with great reach.
You will have your own space to promote your band, create opportunities to play in different rooms; receive communications to
Participate in competitions, festivals and various events that organize rooms and / or promoters.
You will have all the notifications in real time on your mobile, where you can sign up and be selected.

Do you have a room and want to expand your programming, band contests and promote your concerts?

You will have a profile with all the information of your room (photos, videos, audios, Spotify, social networks)
You will have a concert agenda that you can share and even insert on your own website.
You can contact +1,500 musicians directly through your mobile, and you will have updated information
Publish all events in the Linkmusic agenda and share it.

Are you a promoter, festival organizer, booking / management agency? Linkmusic has everything you could need.

Linkmusic has a specific profile for you. You can have all the roster of your represented, with a filtered agenda of all their concerts, which you can even insert in your own website.
Create and publish concerts on Linkmusic, and be informed of all the news.

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