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ProCure ODX

Interbiz Consulting, LLC
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About ProCure ODX

A high fidelity, user-friendly app that dramatically improves the quality, accuracy and timeliness of transplant-related data; real-time geotracking of the organ and procurement team; and communication between the numerous stakeholders throughout the procurement process.

ProCure On-Demand is a Public Benefit Corporation that increases efficiency, decreases cost, and improves clinical outcomes in human organ transplantation through optimizing logistics. This is achieved by offering a full spectrum supplies and organ procurement services solution.

Our services include
1. Organ Procurement: ProCure On-Demand facilitates organ procurement by strategically matching vetted, independently contracted local surgeons to transplant centers or organ procurement organizations in need of procurement services.
2. Transportation: To reduce transport inefficiencies, ProCure On-Demand provides complete end-to-end air and ground support to and from donor hospitals by enlisting national transportation companies, leveraging economy of scale.
3. Disposable Supplies and Preservation Solution: ProCure On-Demand employs full spectrum industry-leading procurement kits containing premium solutions and materials for optimum organ preservation practices.