The ultimate business networking app for those who realize carrying business cards to networking events is not as common as it used to be. Interactive and fun, you simply ask your prospect their name and phone number, then turn the phone to them and say, “Please push the Button” and you can send them a pre-formatted message and your Vcard by text message.
Great for speed networking events, collects data for you in a usable format without needing a business card.
• Customize your initial text message
• Change the logo on the button to your own
• Keeps record of all contacts you sent messages to
• You enter Vcard info so can be different than your phone info.
• Connect to your Small Business Dream account and export Contacts
• Set your Small Business Dream options then have your Contacts sync in real time with your SBD account
• Set an SBD Survey to be displayed after adding a Contact with the push of the Button
Great for speed networking events, collects data for you in a usable format without needing a business card.
• Customize your initial text message
• Change the logo on the button to your own
• Keeps record of all contacts you sent messages to
• You enter Vcard info so can be different than your phone info.
• Connect to your Small Business Dream account and export Contacts
• Set your Small Business Dream options then have your Contacts sync in real time with your SBD account
• Set an SBD Survey to be displayed after adding a Contact with the push of the Button
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