演歌の名曲、人気曲集 icon


Music&Video App
100,000+ downloads

About 演歌の名曲、人気曲集

This is a nostalgic music application. We have collected enka masterpieces that you have heard once, and we recommend it to everyone who likes enka. Effective for stress relief, prevention and improvement of menopause, and prevention of dementia.

A complete collection of nostalgic enka masterpieces. Includes memorable melody (old melody) and masterpieces of blockbuster enka songs that were popular in youth.

You can easily listen to your favorite songs by putting them in your favorites. Anyone, young or old, can use it easily. New songs will be updated one after another. Simple and quick search function.

This App player is a third-party media player. We have not uploaded any videos and have no intention of infringing copyright

1. This App is a third-party player that complies with the YouTube API Terms of Service

2. All videos are played through the official API embedded player

3. YouTube uses the Content ID system to protect the rights of copyright owners

4. If an unauthorized video is uploaded, the right holder can submit a copyright removal notice to YouTube

If you have other questions, please contact us: sdxhsoft@gmail.com

This is NOT an official app from the various media services, and this is only an unofficial
3rd-party client that complies with their 3rd party API terms of service.
This app is NOT an affiliated nor related product of those services. Per their API developer terms:
-"You do not need special approval to use YouTube APIs or to promote API functionality
in your application "provided that the guidelines are followed.

This software complies with the Youtube API usage specification:
Do not separate the video from the sound (the background playback function cannot be provided)
Do not tamper with any audiovisual content (cannot provide the function of removing human voice)
Do not copy any audio and video content (offline playback or download functions cannot be provided)

This application is a Youtube streaming player and does not sell any physical or virtual products.

Since the app simply links to content on their service via their 3rd Party Developer API,
the app does not have any direct control of their content. If there are any content that may
infringe upon anyone's copyrights, the following link can be used to report the content:


演歌の名曲、人気曲集 Screenshots