Take control of the light show with the Party Rocker app!
Designed to work with the Party Rocker Live and Block Party Live speakers from Ion Audio, the app brings a new level of excitement to these products by providing individual color selection, speed control, a strobe effect, and more!
· Use the speed slider to change how fast the lights swirl around the room.
· Choose any combination of Red, Blue, Green and Orange, depending on your mood. Or, turn all colors on or off with the press of a button!
· Create a strobe light effect, and change the speed of flashing with the speed slider
· With Tilt mode, control the speed by moving your device left, right, forward or backward.
· Use the media player for song, artist or album selection.
Designed to work with the Party Rocker Live and Block Party Live speakers from Ion Audio, the app brings a new level of excitement to these products by providing individual color selection, speed control, a strobe effect, and more!
· Use the speed slider to change how fast the lights swirl around the room.
· Choose any combination of Red, Blue, Green and Orange, depending on your mood. Or, turn all colors on or off with the press of a button!
· Create a strobe light effect, and change the speed of flashing with the speed slider
· With Tilt mode, control the speed by moving your device left, right, forward or backward.
· Use the media player for song, artist or album selection.
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