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Pythagore Monastir

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About Pythagore Monastir

EducaPhone is the first application and digital platform specializing in the management of school travels in Tunisia, designed primarily for parents of primary school pupils, secondary and university to allow them remote monitoring using the latest technologies tablets and smart phones .

EducaPhone used to replace the standard connecting notebook private schools.
The EducaPhone platform is a mobile application accompanied by a Back-office responsive,

EducaPhone offers 4 mobile Web sessions and 4 sessions:

1- The session Parent / Student: Manage simultaneously one or more students of different levels and can contain the following menus:
- News: Get the news relating to the school for their children.
- Events: See the dates and times of the examinations, text book, holiday ...
- Employment: See schedule and changes in real time.
- Text book: Consult work to do at home.
- Mail Box: Communicate directly with teachers and administration.
- Discipline: Follow the same discipline and attendance of their child.
- Examinations: See dates and times of upcoming exams.
- Student Notes: Instantly Receive notes assessments and examinations.
- Payment: Following its payment schedule.
- Event: Allows parents to monitor events, birthdays, trips, parties, clubs.
- Notification: a notification will be sent instantly to each new inserted.

2- Session Teacher: simple and easy to use interface, accessible online to:
- Update the homework notebook
- Plan exams.
- Remove the notes.
- Communicate with parents.
- Insert the remarks on student discipline.

Session 3 Publisher: (limited access) allows the employee responsible for the school to include news, schedule, homework, exam dates, Notes, Disciplines, messaging, payments, events.

4- Session Administration allows the director or school owner from having access to all the information from the session. (Financial management can be inserted on request).

EducaPhone therefore enables institutions to:
- Centralize all their solutions in one accessible and dynamic interface.
- Better organize daily tasks while improving tracking Parent / student.
- Generate income for an initial acquisition cost. (Monthly or annual subscription per student)
- Have a maintenance contract
- Have its own application hosted on powerful servers (secure servers with a daily automatic backup)

To access the application and have a login and password, simply contact the following number 0021699701702 or by mail:
The application can be commercialized and adapted to the load specifications of the establishment in Tunisia or elsewhere and in all languages.

أول تطبيقه تونسية, خاصة بالمدارس أو المعاهد والكليات الخاصة, مختصة في المتابعة المدرسية الشاملة للتلميذ أو الطالب داخل المؤسسة التربوية.
للمزيد من المعلومات الاتصال
 بالرقم التالي 0021699701702

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