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IPEC Coaching
4.5 out of 5
10,000+ downloads


Don’t settle for less than your best – let SCOPE show you the way to high performance!

Want to maximize your chances of high performance for anything you're going to do? Learn the secrets to success with SCOPE!

Your skill doesn’t change from day to day—it’s your energy that changes and affects how well you perform. Whether it's a sports, work, or home activity, learning to shift your energy is the one thing that changes EVERYTHING!

Developed by performance coaches, SCOPE is the only assessment in the world that measures your energy IN THE MOMENT, showing you which factors are influencing you and giving you strategies to shift yourself BEFORE playing, performing, competing, or accomplishing just about ANYTHING.

When you take a SCOPE assessment, you’ll know which factors (spiritual, mental, emotional, physical, social, and/or environmental) are affecting the energy in your “fuel tank.”

Best of all, you’ll be given strategies to shift your energy right in the moment so that you can immediately move into higher performance mode.

Designed to be taken before any task, activity, or performance, the SCOPE assessment gives you a “Performance Factor” which lets you know your chances for success. The higher your Performance Factor, the more likely it is that you'll perform well.

It is possible to rate a wide variety of tasks including:

• Practicing a skill
• Performing a skill
• Speaking on stage
• Making healthy lifestyle choices
• Meeting with a client
• Going to work in the morning
• Having dinner with a friend
• Participating in an athletic competition
• Taking part in a social event
• Working with a team
• Communicating about a challenging issue
• And much, much more!

Want to go even further? Connect with a certified performance coach and send your SCOPE results with one click to receive personalized strategies and coaching. Don’t have a coach yet? Find one in our coach directory available directly inside the app!

SCOPE – 2 minutes to higher performance!

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