TYT/YKS-2022 icon


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About TYT/YKS-2022

In order to prepare for the university entrance exams and to be successful, we have developed a fun educational game to make the information permanent by activating the visual memory.
TYT/YKS-Numeric 2021 Question Bank Game Consisting of 8 Levels
Subject Headings;
* Physical
* Chemical
* Biology
* Geography
* Date
* Philosophy
* Turkish Language Literature
* Final exam
Consists of Subject Headings.
You get the freedom to play with the car you want, provided that you pass the levels...
Intellectual Youth of the Future;
Remember that one day you will reach the position you deserve,
Never Give Up.
Wishing you many successes and making our nation a partner by embracing your successes and your moral values.
Lots of Fun and Success...