Users from Russia and Belarus, please read this article if you have any problems with downloading or using the application:
Users upgrading to new phones with Android 12 and above, and users suffering from license check failures - please join the public Beta to download the new, not yet fully released, version.
The famous Big Hebrew-Russian and Russian-Hebrew dictionary by Dr. Baruch Podolsky is now available for Android. Providing Hebrew-Russian and Russian-Hebrew translation of over 60,000 words, currently proved to be the most complete, wide-ranging and modern Hebrew dictionary for Russian speakers.
* Nikud in Hebrew words.
* Accent emphasis in Hebrew and Russian words (if no emphasis - accent is on last vowel).
* Russian transcription for Hebrew words.
* Russian search.
* Hebrew search.
* Transcription search (using Russian letters + "h" for representing Hebrew sounds).
* Search history (last 40 entries).
* Favorite words collection (100 entries).
* Automatic language detection and translation mode selection.
* Partial word match when selecting "Done" from keyboard.
* Previous/next translation preview.
* Font size change (pinch-to-zoom and menu selector) on translation screen.
* Reaction on Search button long press.
* Multiple word copying options.
* Sharing translation screens.
* Several options, including disabling, for animating screen changes.
Users upgrading to new phones with Android 12 and above, and users suffering from license check failures - please join the public Beta to download the new, not yet fully released, version.
The famous Big Hebrew-Russian and Russian-Hebrew dictionary by Dr. Baruch Podolsky is now available for Android. Providing Hebrew-Russian and Russian-Hebrew translation of over 60,000 words, currently proved to be the most complete, wide-ranging and modern Hebrew dictionary for Russian speakers.
* Nikud in Hebrew words.
* Accent emphasis in Hebrew and Russian words (if no emphasis - accent is on last vowel).
* Russian transcription for Hebrew words.
* Russian search.
* Hebrew search.
* Transcription search (using Russian letters + "h" for representing Hebrew sounds).
* Search history (last 40 entries).
* Favorite words collection (100 entries).
* Automatic language detection and translation mode selection.
* Partial word match when selecting "Done" from keyboard.
* Previous/next translation preview.
* Font size change (pinch-to-zoom and menu selector) on translation screen.
* Reaction on Search button long press.
* Multiple word copying options.
* Sharing translation screens.
* Several options, including disabling, for animating screen changes.
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