“Please come and sit down and hear about Krsna – sravanam. If you simply continue, if you do not do anything, I guarantee that if you simply come here and hear about Krsna, you will be liberated.” - Srila Prabhupada on Bhagavad-gita, 4.23, Bombay April 12, 1974.
Bhakti Shastri course consists of the in-depth study of four fundamental books about the philosophy of Krishna consciousness: Bhagavad-gita, Nectar of Devotion, Nectar of Instruction & Sri Isopanisad. This app has been developed as an aid to help people understand these four fundamental books of Gaudiya vaishnavism.
The lectures have been delivered by His Grace Chaitanya Charan Das, a monk and spiritual author. He has done his Electronics & Telecommunications Engineering from the Government College of Engineering, Pune. He subsequently served as a software engineer in a prominent multinational software corporation. He also secured 2350 out of 2400 in GRE, gaining the top rank in Maharashtra. Seeing the prevalent problems of stress, depression, addiction and overall misdirection – all caused by a lack of spirituality – he felt inspired to dedicate his life to the cause of sharing the spiritual wisdom of the Bhagavad-gita under the aegis of ISKCON (International Society for Krishna consciousness). He is a member of ISKCON’s leading intellectual body, the Shastric Advisory Council, and is the associate-editor of ISKCON’s global magazine, Back to Godhead. He is the author of the world’s only Gita-daily feature, wherein he writes daily a 300-word inspirational reflection on a verse from the Bhagavad- Gita. Till now he has written over fourteen hundred Gita meditations that are posted on www.gitadaily.com and are read through daily feeds by thousands from all over the world. He also answers questions by seekers on his site www.thespiritualscientist.com, where his over two thousand audio answers and several hundred articles are available. His articles have been published in many national newspapers including Indian Express, Economic Times and Times of India in the Speaking Tree column. His writings in English have been translated into several foreign languages including German, Chinese and Romanian and several Indian languages including Kannada, Telgu, Bengali, Hindi and Marathi. He is the author of fourteen books.
Bhakti Shastri course consists of the in-depth study of four fundamental books about the philosophy of Krishna consciousness: Bhagavad-gita, Nectar of Devotion, Nectar of Instruction & Sri Isopanisad. This app has been developed as an aid to help people understand these four fundamental books of Gaudiya vaishnavism.
The lectures have been delivered by His Grace Chaitanya Charan Das, a monk and spiritual author. He has done his Electronics & Telecommunications Engineering from the Government College of Engineering, Pune. He subsequently served as a software engineer in a prominent multinational software corporation. He also secured 2350 out of 2400 in GRE, gaining the top rank in Maharashtra. Seeing the prevalent problems of stress, depression, addiction and overall misdirection – all caused by a lack of spirituality – he felt inspired to dedicate his life to the cause of sharing the spiritual wisdom of the Bhagavad-gita under the aegis of ISKCON (International Society for Krishna consciousness). He is a member of ISKCON’s leading intellectual body, the Shastric Advisory Council, and is the associate-editor of ISKCON’s global magazine, Back to Godhead. He is the author of the world’s only Gita-daily feature, wherein he writes daily a 300-word inspirational reflection on a verse from the Bhagavad- Gita. Till now he has written over fourteen hundred Gita meditations that are posted on www.gitadaily.com and are read through daily feeds by thousands from all over the world. He also answers questions by seekers on his site www.thespiritualscientist.com, where his over two thousand audio answers and several hundred articles are available. His articles have been published in many national newspapers including Indian Express, Economic Times and Times of India in the Speaking Tree column. His writings in English have been translated into several foreign languages including German, Chinese and Romanian and several Indian languages including Kannada, Telgu, Bengali, Hindi and Marathi. He is the author of fourteen books.
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