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Birds Sounds and Ringtone

500+ downloads

About Birds Sounds and Ringtone

Top Birds sound
Almost all birds sounds included

Now you can have the sounds of different bird species in one app. Get rid of stress and relax completely with beautiful bird chirping on your device
Enjoy this best collection of Birds Sounds
and you can Easily set as Ringtones
set as Alarms Ringtone,
set as notification Ringtones by pressing long click on sound or by pressing button on thats sounds.
Easy to use and Attractive

There are also the sounds of predatory birds the most famous of which are owls, hawks, eagles, Coil,falcons and buzzards,parrot and many more.

Small size MP3 files with high-quality sound effects; super cool ringtones and best alarm tones.
Free to set birds sounds as default ringtones, alarm, notifications.
please download this app and share with others..

Birds Sounds and Ringtone Screenshots